
Citizen's Review Committee

The Citizen’s Review Committee (CRC) is an instrumental layer in our organization’s Pillar of Accountability.

Who is the CRC and for what are they responsible?

  • The CRC is comprised solely of community volunteers who are current United Way contributors.
  • CRC volunteers are not board members, or otherwise stakeholders, of any United Way Affiliated Organization.

CRC Responsibilities:

  • Recognize changes in community needs; then, look for service gaps and address them.
  • Align United Way Impact Areas with current community needs; seek the Board of Directors’ approval.
  • Review program funding applications from Affiliated Organizations; which may include face-to-face interviews with applicants to gain more in-depth knowledge of an organization’s program mission and implementation and to verify the accountability of the program.
  • Make program funding recommendations to the Board of Directors based on the new year’s budget.
  • Review outcome reporting of the funded programs to see their impact on community needs.
  • Assure that funded programs are addressing a community need.
  • The programs align with both the organization’s mission and UWSCC’s mission.
  • Programs funded are unique to the Affiliated Organization’s mission so that there is no duplication of programs among organizations.

2022-23 Citizen's Review Committee Report
By Cindy Rourke, CRC Chair

The CRC is responsible for reviewing requests submitted by Affiliated Organizations and making recommendations for program funding to the Board.  The recommendations are agreed upon by the 17 members of the CRC after spending many hours reviewing, questioning, and discussing at length the 19 proposals submitted by 14 organizations.  

A number of organizations have attended our monthly meetings to enable the CRC members to become better acquainted with the organization’s overall role, challenges, and services.  

Quarterly reports submitted by the organizations are regularly reviewed to assure that their programs are meeting local needs and that their program performance indicators are being fulfilled.

 Thank you, members of the CRC, for the time, effort and commitment that you provide to this very important process for United Way.  CRC members please stand to be recognized.  It has been an engaging process for all of us on the CRC as we strive to assure accountability for the money contributed by the community.   

Transparency is a fundamental component of our organization.  An outside firm completes our annual audit.  Annual Reports, IRS Form 990s, and Audited Financials are always available on our website and in our office.  Click here to view these documents or visit us during normal business hours.

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm
1723 Military Street
Port Huron, MI 48060

Charity Navigator - Accountability Investigator