CLICK HERE for Phase 40 & ARPAR Funding Application Forms and Instructions
(All applications must be submitted to United Way of St. Clair County 10 days following the community printed release by 4pm for consideration.)
CLICK HERE for Phase 40 & ARPAR Funding Press Release
Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)
United Way of St. Clair County has identified additional community needs in the following areas and provided assistance in coordinating and collaborating resources to fulfill these needs: emergency food and shelter.
The Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program provides funding for agencies delivering basic human service needs to victims of personal crisis and unemployment. In St. Clair County, our United Way manages these funds as a service to the community. Last year, $50,231 (Phase 39) and $155,252 (Phase ARPAR) was available for distribution in St. Clair County. Organizations previously receiving funding through EFSP dollars are:
- Blue Water Community Food Depot (Port Huron)
- Blue Water Safe Horizons (Port Huron)
- C3 Connection (Capac)
- Detroit Rescue Mission (Port Huron Pathway Shelter)
- Downriver Bread of Life Nutrition Center (Marine City)
- Downriver Helping Hands (Marine City)
- Harbor Impact Ministries (Kimball)
- Mid City Nutrition (Port Huron)
- New Life Women’s Mission (Port Huron)
- SOS Marysville Food Pantry (Marysville)
- The Harbor (Port Huron)
- The Salvation Army (Port Huron)
- Trinity United Methodist Food Pantry (Algonac)
Read our most recent press release here.
United Way of St. Clair County provides the management and accountability necessary to increase government funding in our community.
EFSP was established by Congress in 1983, in response to the 1982 Recession, which brought to light that public and charitable institutions at the state and local levels could not adequately respond to the nation’s homeless and food insecurity crises without Federal support. The program funds can be used for a broad range of services, including mass shelter; mass feeding; food distribution through food pantries and food banks; one-month assistance with rent or mortgage payments, and/or utility payments, to prevent evictions; and transition assistance from shelters to stable living conditions. EFSP is administered by a National Board chaired by FEMA, in partnership with American Red Cross, Catholic Charities USA, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., The Salvation Army, The Jewish Federations of North America, and United Way Worldwide, which serves as the National Board’s Secretariat and Fiscal Agent. Through the network of leading charitable organizations, the program is far-reaching, supporting the work of more than 10,000 local nonprofit and public social service agencies in more than 2,500 counties and cities across the country.
Click here for a listing of Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens.
Click here for a calendar of Food Trucks.
Click here for a listing of Shelters.